суббота, 4 июня 2011 г.

Tibetan Singing Bowls Meditation Music или Музыка для медитаций - тибетские поющие чаши

First half of a short introductory improvisation upon antique Tibetan Singing Bowls prior to evening workshop at the Spiritualist Church in Aberdeen, Scotland 10th October 1995 by Frank Perry. As much as I could fit on the platform and get on a train. I got my first singing bowls in 1971 and now have around 300 of them. These here are antiques extremely hard to find nowadays. I sometimes like to begin a workshop by playing the bowls alone allowing them to speak from within the silence before including the sound of my voice. I have released 14 albums featuring my Tibetan Singing Bowl music and you can find out more about those on my website listed above. It had been arranged to record the evening and so thankfully we have this record.

Second part of a short introductory improvisation upon antique Tibetan Singing Bowls with exotic sounds of Water Bowls by Frank Perry at Aberdeen Spiritualist Church 10th October 1995 immediately prior to evening workshop

A Temple Sounds meditation using 3 antique Giant (13 to 14 inch) Tibetan singing bowls

Demonstration of the world's only Chromatic Mani Tibetan singing bowl set. Two segments, one played with hard mallets and the 2nd, soft mallets.

Weaving tones through use of the spin; a harmonic Tibetan singing bowl session with Emile de Leon of Temple Sounds. Included is a rare 14 inch antique Tibetan singing bowl.

Dr Alan Lem, musician and music therapist from the Blue Mountains in Australia plays Tibetan singing bowls

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